Service Times

Currently meeting in First Baptist Little Rock's Gym
62 Pleasant Valley Drive, Little Rock, 72223
on Sunday mornings at 10:30am


Our Corporate Worship generally lasts around an hour and dress is casual. You will notice that our worship music has a mix of hymns and newer songs. We focus on simplicity but with excellence. The goal of our Corporate Worship is to allow the Lord to speak and allow you to respond as followers of Christ.


At Epoch, we believe a child’s spiritual growth is vital. We provide childcare during the Groups and worship service each week for children Pre K and below. During this time your child will have a lesson that will speak to their level and connect the truths of who Christ is and what He has done for us.

If you have children, our greeters will direct you to check in and answer any questions you may have.


We believe in the importance of meeting in a corporate gathering as well as in smaller groups we simply call “Family Groups.” Family Groups are intended for prayer, encouragement, and intentional conversations that give better understanding of scripture, and allow growth in one’s faith.  If you are interested in being a part of an Epoch Group, please contact us.


We are currently meeting in First Baptist Little Rock's Gym (62 Pleasant Valley Drive, 72223) at 10:30am.

Enter off of Pleasant Valley Drive and the Epoch entrance is found at Door 6.  Feel free to park near Door 6 and someone will guide you to our worship or kids area.